Toddy Brook Ladies League 


The Toddy Brook Ladies Golf League is open to members and public guests. Participating in the league is a great way to meet fellow golfers and play in a fun weekly competition. Participants aren’t required to play every week, however it is the players responsibility to inform that golf shop statt when they can’t play a certain week (s). 


League Coordinator: Rick Altham, PGA Head Professional

Day/Start Time: The nine hole league will be on Thursdays/5:00pm shotgun start. A shotgun start is when all players tee off on a separate hole at the same time. 

Entry Fee:  CLICK HERE for online registration onley. The $50.00 League fee can only be paid in person or over the phone. The Non-Members greens fee is $25.00 (Walking) and $40.00 (Riding Cart). 

Dates: The league starts on Thursday, May 9th and ends September 5th. There will be no league night on July 4th because of the 4th Of July holiday. 

Rain Outs: Weather based cancellations will be made on Thursdays by 2:00PM. If there is a cancellation, the weekly tournament will not be moved to another date or made up. 

Handicaps: A GHIN handicap is required to participate in the league. GHIN handicaps can be purchased through Toddy Brook. The pro shop staff will post weekly scores. The league coordinator will provide handicaps to participants who are new GHIN members. 

Schedule/Formats: Each week there will be a fun tournament format. The golf shop will make the pairings and score the weekly tournaments. All prize winnings will be paid out in pro shop credits. 



2024 Schedule & Formats


Week 1 – 5/9 – 4 Player ABCD Scramble/Gross & Net
Scramble Format: Each player hits a drive, you select the best drive and all players hit from the selected drive. You continue this process until the ball is holed out. There should be one score per team. Team handicap will be 50% of the average of the players handicaps.


Week 2 – 5/16 – Individual Point Quota
Each player will have a quota and the goal is to reach or go over your quota. You earn points by making gross double bogeys (1 Point), bogeys (2 Points), Pars (3 Points), Birdies (5 Points) and Eagles (10 Points). Your quota is calculated by subtracting your 9 hole handicap from 18. For example, if your 9 hole handicap is 15, you would subtract 15-18 and 3 would be your quota. If you made two double bogey’s and one bogey during your round your score would be even. 


Week 3 – 5/23 – Two Player Team Best Ball – Gross/Net
Each player plays their own ball for the entire hole. The lowest score of the two players will be used for the team score. Team’s will be made by handicap. Prizes will be awarded for gross & net. 


Week 4 5/30 – Individual Gross & Net
Each player plays their own ball for the entire round. Gross & Net prizes will be awarded. Pairings will be made by handicap. 


Week 5 – 6/6 – 4 Player ABCD Scramble/Gross & Net
Scramble Format: Each player hits a drive, you select the best drive and all players hit from the selected drive. You continue this process until the ball is holed out. There should be one score per team. Team handicap will be 50% of the average of the players handicaps. 


Week 6 – 6/13 – Individual Quota
Each player will have a quota and the goal is to reach or go over your quota. You earn points by making gross double bogeys (1 Point), bogeys (2 Points), Pars (3 Points), Birdies (5 Points) and Eagles (10 Points). Your quota is calculated by subtracting your 9 hole handicap from 18. For example, if your 9 hole handicap is 15, you would subtract 15-18 and 3 would be your quota. If you made two double bogey’s and one bogey during your round your score would be even. 


Week 7 – 6/20 – Best Ball Of Four – Gross/Net
Each player plays their ball for the entire hole. The team uses the best score of the four players as their team score. Teams will be made by handicap.  Gross & Net prizes will be awarded.


Week 8 – 6/27 – Individual Skins Game Gross/Net
Players win a “skin” if they have the lowest score on a hole out of all the players participating in the tournament. Gross & Net Skins will be awarded. 


Week 9 – 7/11 – Two Player Scramble
Scramble Format: Each player hits a drive, you select the best drive and both players hit from the selected drive. You continue this process until the ball is holed out. There should be one score per team. Team handicap will be 50% of the average of the players handicaps. 


Week 10 – 7/18 – Individual Point Quota
Each player will have a quota and the goal is to reach or go over your quota. You earn points by making gross double bogeys (1 Point), bogeys (2 Points), Pars (3 Points), Birdies (5 Points) and Eagles (10 Points). Your quota is calculated by subtracting your 9 hole handicap from 18. For example, if your 9 hole handicap is 15, you would subtract 15-18 and 3 would be your quota. If you made two double bogey’s and one bogey during your round your score would be even. 


Week 11 7/25 – Two Player Team Best Ball – Gross/Net
Each player plays their own ball for the entire hole. The lowest score of the two players will be used for the team score. Team’s will be made by handicap. Prizes will be awarded for gross & net. 


Week 12 8/1 – Individual Gross/Net
Each player plays their own ball for the entire round. Gross & Net prizes will be awarded. Pairings will be made by handicap. 


Week 13  8/8 Two Player Team Skins
Teams win a “skin” if they have the lowest score on a hole out of all the players participating in the tournament. Gross & Net Skins will be awarded.


Week 14 8/15  Two Player Team Best Ball – Gross/Net
Each player plays their own ball for the entire hole. The lowest score of the two players will be used for the team score. Team’s will be made by handicap. Prizes will be awarded for gross & net. 

Week 15 8/22 Two Playe Team Point Quota
Each player will have a quota and the goal is to reach or go over your quota. You earn points by making gross double bogeys (1 Point), bogeys (2 Points), Pars (3 Points), Birdies (5 Points) and Eagles (10 Points). Your quota is calculated by subtracting your 9 hole handicap from 18. For example, if your 9 hole handicap is 15, you would subtract 15-18 and 3 would be your quota. If you made two double bogey’s and one bogey during your round your score would be even. 

Week 16 – 8/29 – Best Ball Of Four – Gross/Net
Each player plays their ball for the entire hole. The team uses the best score of the four players as their team score. Teams will be made by handicap.  Gross & Net prizes will be awarded.

WEEK 17 – 9/5 – 4 Player ABCD Scramble & Year End Banquet
Scramble Format: Each player hits a drive, you select the best drive and all players hit from the selected drive. You continue this process until the ball is holed out. There should be one score per team. Team handicap will be 50% of the average of the players handicaps.